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龙勋漍 欧阳中石——中国书画两大家作品鉴赏

2018-2-7 13:58| 发布者: 巨火传媒| 查看: 1640| 评论: 0

摘要:   龙勋漍 字:远柏。性别:男,民族:汉,中共党员、甘肃山丹县清泉村三社人,当代著名艺术家,集诗词、书法、歌词、对联等众长于一身,目前诗词书法取得骄人的成绩,并且书法有巨大升值空间,且突飞猛进显大家之 ...

  龙勋漍 字:远柏。性别:男,民族:汉,中共党员、甘肃山丹县清泉村三社人,当代著名艺术家,集诗词、书法、歌词、对联等众长于一身,目前诗词书法取得骄人的成绩,并且书法有巨大升值空间,且突飞猛进显大家之风骨,成大家之气象。现为省、市、中华诗词学会、世界汉诗协会、中华当代文学学会会员。


  Long Xun Guo words: far cypress. National: gender: male, the han, the Chinese communist party party member, gansu shandan QingQuan Village three clubs, the famous contemporary artist, collection of poems, calligraphy, lyrics, couplets, and the longer one, the outstanding achievements, poetry calligraphy and calligraphy have a great appreciation of space, and show everybody progresses by leaps and bounds of the creature, as all of the weather. He is now a member of the society of province, city, Chinese poetry society, the world association of Chinese poetry and the Chinese society of contemporary literature. The Chinese poetry dictionary is a lifelong member of the communication center and the honorary President of the Chinese contemporary literati association. Vice President of the Chinese academy of calligraphy and calligraphy, vice President of the society of Chinese calligrapher and calligrapher, and vice President of the Chinese academy of national art. Chinese art encyclopedia, artistic director. Chief artist and senior advisor at the Royal Academy of arts. Honorary President of the world art society and an adviser to the arts.



  欧阳中石 1928年生于山东省泰安。早年就读于济南,1950年考入北京辅仁大学哲学系,再转入北京大学哲学系逻辑专业,主修中国逻辑史,1954年毕业。毕业后在师范学校任教,后任北京师范学院逻辑学教授,兼任书法艺术专业主讲。学书先从师武岩法师,后又师从吴玉如。从唐碑入手旋即转临北魏诸墓志;后亦曾涉足于篆、隶、甲骨、金文,尤于欧阳询诸碑临池用工更勤。常作行书,从法二王,而又取势于王。草书以王羲之、孙过庭为宗,亦得益于黄、祝点法。书风妍婉秀美,潇洒俊逸。现为全国政协委员、国务院学位委员会艺术学学科评议组成员、文化部艺术系列美术专业高级职称评委会委员、首都师范大学教授、博士生及博士后导师、中国书法文化研究所所长。他治学博涉多优,在逻辑、国学、音韵、绘画、戏曲、文学、书法等学科都有精深的造诣,是我国著名的学者、教育家、书法家。

  Ouyangzhongshi born in 1928 in shandong taian.Early years studying in jinan in 1950 and was admitted to Beijing furen university department of philosophy, again into logical professional philosophy department of Peking University, majoring in history of Chinese logic, graduated in 1954.In normal school, after graduation, a professor from Beijing normal college logic replacement of calligraphy art professional speaker.Learning book studied under Wu Yan mage first, and then from Wu Yuru.From the tang monument immediately turn all over the northern wei dynasty epitaph;After have also set foot in, nationalities, bones, jinwen, especially in running-penmanship melts former people the tablet LinChi labor more frequently.Often a running script, from the method of two Kings, and potential to the king.Cursive script in wang xizhi, sun court for cases, also thanks to yellow, wish point method.Book yan wan comely wind, natural elegance.Now to the CPPCC national committee, the state council degree committee of art discipline appraisal group members, the ministry of culture art series senior title of professional committee member of fine arts, capital normal university professor, doctoral and postdoctoral mentor, director of the institute of Chinese calligraphy culture.His blog for more optimal, in logic, classics, phonological, painting, drama, literature, calligraphy and other subjects have the profound attainments, is China's famous scholars, educators, calligrapher.







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